Platelet Donation
Did you know that there is a constant need for platelet donations here in Louisiana? Donating platelets helps keep cancer patients and others alive, but since they must be used within a week or so of donation, there is a constant need for platelet donors. Wouldn’t you like to help a friend or neighbor with your platelet donation at LifeShare Blood Center today?

What is a Platelet Donation, and Who Does it Help?
Platelets are a delicate yet essential blood component. These tiny cell fragments (thrombocytes) are responsible for mending the tiny damages that occur frequently in our circulatory system. Their other vital job is to help your blood clot whenever you are injured. Without adequate platelets, you would just keep bleeding.
Whenever platelets recognize damaged blood cells, they bind together and get to work, stopping the bleeding and repairing the damage. They may be small and delicate, but these blood cells are mighty.
Serious or even life-threatening bleeding can occur when a person’s platelet count is low. Besides many cancer patients, people with blood disorders often need platelet donations. So, too, do those undergoing open-heart surgery or having an organ transplant, as well as accident victims. Donating platelets truly does help save lives.
What Does the Process of Donating Platelets Look Like?
When you donate platelets, it is done through an automated process called apheresis and the platelets are the only blood component that is retained. The rest of your blood (along with saline) is returned to your body through the same small needle. The added saline will help you feel refreshed afterward.
With an automatic donation, you’ll know that you are giving the blood component that’s most needed at the time. Any blood type can donate platelets, however, our staff will guide you to whichever procedure is most needed at the time. If you have blood type A+, A-, B+, AB+, or AB-, our staff will likely guide you toward this type of donation. Platelet donors can donate platelets every fourteen days (up to 24 times a year).
How Long Does it Take to Donate Platelets?
Automated donations take a bit longer than whole blood donations since the blood is drawn out of your body, separated, and most of it returned. The donation itself takes approximately one and a half to two hours, while the entire process takes around two to two and a half hours from start to finish. So, how long does platelet donation take? You might say it takes just long enough to save a life!
That includes the time needed to fill out paperwork and have a mini-physical before the donation to enjoy a snack and drink afterward. You can even use our optional Donor Pass to complete the paperwork ahead of time. Then, watch television or videos while you donate or relax while listening to music. You might even be able to surf the web, depending on the LifeShare location you choose.
What Are Platelet Donation Side Effects?
All of our automated donation procedures are safe, and a sterile, single-use kit is used for each donation. You may feel a slight prick or pinch when the needle is inserted, but most people don’t feel any kind of discomfort after that. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids after any blood donation to help your body get back to normal in no time.
When you donate platelets, the recovery process is even easier than usual because most of your blood is returned to your body. The missing platelets will be quickly replenished, which is why you can donate platelets more often than any other blood component. Getting a good night’s sleep, regular mealtimes, and drinking plenty of fluids before donating will make the recovery process even easier.
Make a Difference by Donating Today at LifeShare
When you donate platelets at LifeShare, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you may be saving the life of someone in need. So call to schedule your platelet donation appointment or search for a mobile drive near you. If you have questions about platelet or other blood donations, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Featured Image: jat306 / Getty Images